Integrated Mobile Camouflage System (IMCS)

Integrated Mobile Camouflage System (IMCS)

The Integrated Mobile Camouflage System aims at reducing the detection range of AFV by 55% when viewed through Hand held Thermal Imager (HHTI)/Battle Field Surveillance Radar (BFSR)/ tank based thermal camera under given environmental and weather conditions. It is an integrated system comprising of low emissivity and/or CAM-IIR coatings and Mobile Camouflage System materials providing ability of the Armored Field Vehicle to merge with a terrain background.

Product Specification:

• Multi Spectral Self Signature Management
• Assured reduction in Multi Spectral Signature minimum 50% in following spectrums given below:
(a) Visual and Near-infrared properties
(b) Thermal Signature
(c) Radar (8-12Ghz)
• Light Weight Solution no weight penalty & No interference in
• vehicle movement and functions
• EMI / EMC compatible
• Field repairable
• Dust Cloud prevention
• Internal Heat Reduction