Financial FAQ

What is a Product Development Budget and how is it worked out?

What all expense head is included in Prime Cost, Primary Overhead and Secondary Overhead?

What are eligible expenditure for the grant money under SPARK?

Who all will be eligible for the support?

What is Matching Contribution and how is it a Part of the Project Cost(PDB)?

What is Past Expenditure Matching Contribution?

What can / cannot be covered under Past Expenditures?

What is In-Kind Matching Contribution?

What cannot be included in Matching Contribution In-Kind?

How is Matching Contribution In-Kind Expenditure for Founders/Promoters salary interpreted?

Clarification -Annexure Y of the SPANK Grant Agreement mentions within In-Kind Category “Salaries for Promoters (Founders) Core Technical /Operations Team, corresponding to the part not drawn as monthly salary but accrued for later payments, subject to limits acceptable to or approved by the PMU of DIO”. To ensure that there is less cash outflow towards salaries for founders and doing so commits the minimum cash contributions from the SPARK Grantee only towards the Prime costs and Primary overheads excluding the salaries for founders/promoters. As

Promoter/Founder owned Lab/ Infrastructure cost as MC In-kind expense for DIO product development activities.

What are the caps for SPARK Grants under the various heads?

What are the caps for Matching Contribution Cash, In Kind and Past Expenditure?

How are salaries for Core Team treated as a part of PDB?

How much Salary may be claimed in the Product Development Budget?

How is Capital Equipment included in the PDB or treated as a part of the project?

How is rent treated as a part of PDB?

How should cost of multiple projects be estimated?

In case of multiple projects from the same start-up / firm, can Salary be claimed from all projects?

How are payments made in cases where company imports equipment?

Negative List of Expenditure.

Can the Promoter/Founder owned IP be treated as MC In-Kind expense if the same is being utilized for iDEX product development activities? Is valuation of IP through a registered valuer of Insolvency & Bankruptcy Board of India mandatory?

iDEX Project Transaction?