LIFE - Remotely Operated Rescue Watercraft

LIFE - Remotely Operated Rescue Watercraft

Battery Operated Self Propelled Lifebuoy is an nnovative device used to remotely save lives on water bodies. With speed in excess on 7m/sec on water, easy to operate and its compact size makes it a positive compliment to the present systems. Serving as a platform on water, this can be used with variety of other payloads to perform other tasks.

Product Specification:

• Length - 1200 mm
• Breadth - 900 mm
• Height - 350 mm
• Weight - 18-20 Kgs
• Material of Constructions - UV stabilized HDPE
• Floatation - 200 kgs (3 Adults)
• Carrying capacity - 150 Kgs streamlined objects
• Maximum Speed - 8 to 10 knots
• Cruising speed - 6 to 7 Knots
• Economical speed - 3 to 4 knots
• Battery Life 500 charge – discharge cycle.
• Power requirement for charging - 220VAC
• Charging time Up to 80% charge in 1 hour
• Rechargeable Battery operation - Yes
• Endurance at Maximum speed - 15 mins
• Endurance at Cruising speed - 30 mins
• Endurance at Economical speed - 60 mins.
• Intermittent use - 3 to 4 hours
• Remote Control Range - 1 Km LOS
• Dedicated Radio Communication & Remote -
Available for each craft:
• Add on payloads (Optional) - Depth Sonar,
Camera, Debris Cleaning attachment,
Torpedo recovery attachment, Current Speed
Measurement attachment.