DESCRIPTION Dte of Int is flooded with various reports (hard & soft copies) in structured/unstructured formats (word, ppt, pdf, images, excel, Maps etc) and also from internet. The reports from different agencies have repeated information of an event. Processing such information in shortest time is humongous task and also tends to miss certain critical points of information. There is a need for innovative solution which can read & analyse the voluminous reports and aid as decision support system. A customized innovative software solution with structured and readable database, for IAF with associated hardware, which can reduce human effort in extracting the useful intelligence from the reports received at Air HQs and also from open source (internet). The system should run on network internal to organization with air gap/ isolation solutions to internet ensuring data security. The software should able to read and understand the defence terminology/ jargons/ acronyms etc and carry out change detection, temporal and predictive analysis. The end product should be user friendly Geo-Int solution. The analysis should be presented using geo visualization tools. The system should aid as operational decision support system Future Expectation from the prototype/ Technology developed:- The development of system to be within IAF premises. The software, database and hardware should have redundancies. The IP rights and source code to remain with IAF. The system should be able to process huge volumes of textual data. The system should use advanced text/data analysis tools and able to generate reports as per IAF service formats and the user defined formats. Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ):- The product will be a unique server- client based software enterprise system customized for IAF’s requirement. Quantity required will be one with provisions for scalability and periodic up gradation of software and hardware.
